Thursday 18 July 2013

3H class party


The treat for this term is... a class party! Woohoo!

We will be having our class party on Monday afternoon (22.07.2013) It will included party games and dancing! If you would like to bring in some food on Monday to share with your friends that would be brilliant!

Well done to everyone for not having more than 1 detention this term!



If you would like to go onto Prezi, all you need to do is google 'Prezi' and then click on log in.

The username is:
The password is: year3woody


From Younes and Miss Huckerby

Saturday 13 July 2013


Mrs Ackford and I will be having our class party this Wednesday 17th July so you will have us both there.

Please ask mum/dads/carers to bring in something for us from the following list;

squash - all flavours
juice - orange/apple/tropical
cocktail sausages
sandwiches - cheese/jam
sausage rolls
mini pizza's
popcorn - sweet/salt/butter
paper plates
plastic cups

Or anything else that you think you we may enjoy but isn't on the list. You may also want to bring in some CD's for us to listen to.

Wednesday 10 July 2013

Thursday 11th July 2013

Tomorrow morning at 9.30am year 3 will be performing a music assembly in the main hall. Parents are welcome to come and watch.


Tomorrow afternoon at 1.30pm year 3 will be completing their sports day at Streatham Vale park. Parents are again welcome to come and cheer their child along.


All children need to come to school in their school uniform, but ensure that they have their P.E. kit at school.


See you there!

Monday 1 July 2013


Tomorrow is the Skipathon!
At 1.30pm tomorrow, year 3 will all go to the main playground to complete the Skipathon challenge! They need to do as many skips as they can in 10 minutes!
Year 3 children
 Please remember to come into school in your P.E kit or bring it with you to change into. Also, remember to try and collect some sponsorship money for your house charities.
Parents can come along to support their child whilst they are skipping, so feel free to join us from 1.30 - 2.00pm on the main playground.



Mufty Day
This Friday is Mufty day! All we ask is that you bring in a prize that we can use in the summer fair tombola; a bottle of wine, chocolates etc.

Jam Jar competition
You can also bring in a jam jar for the school jam jar contest. As in previous years, you need to fill a clean, empty jam jar with something (sweets, little toys) and bring it in to donate to the summer fair. The class with the most jam jars wins a prize!

Friday 21 June 2013




You may come into school every day in your P.E kit, as we will be having activities all the time.


Sports day is on Friday 28th at Streatham Vale Park. Parents are welcome to attend.


See you all on Monday!

Monday 20 May 2013

Times Tables page update

All levels of the Times Tables Challenges can now be found on the times table page. Please let Miss Huckerby know if you cannot access them.


Happy practising!

Friday 26 April 2013


Please see the Optional Numeracy Home Learning page for information about an extra test we will be doing next Thursday!


Have a nice weekend!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Robot building part 1!

Year 3 made an excellent start on their robots today. Here are some photos of them hard at work.

Tuesday 26 March 2013


3H and 3MA,

Please can you try to bring in some cardboard boxes, plastic bottles etc for our robot building tomorrow afternoon. Please try not to bring in any items that have previously held nuts, as we have children in class who are allergic to them.

Anything we can use for junk modelling will probably be useful. Think about what items you sugessted you would use in your robot designs.

Examples of useful items:

- cardboard boxes

- plastic bottles

- toilet and kitchen rolls

- straws

- bottles caps

See you tomorrow!

Monday 18 March 2013

3H's trip



Please remember there is no swimming tomorrow, so you do not need to bring your kit.


Also, please remember to bring a pack lunch and a water proof jacket. If you are free school means a lunch can be provided.


See you tomorrow!

Miss Huckerby

Friday 15 March 2013

Comic Relief Fun

Well done 3MA I challenged you to make me laugh and have donated £10 to comic relief as promised.

Mrs Mulcahy   :-)

Thursday 14 March 2013

New Optional Numeracy Home Learning Page

For those who like an extra challenge after completing their home learning, we have added an extra page full of Numeracy work. If you complete this work in addition to your other home learning you can earn yourself house points!


For this week only you can receive 5 house points!


Just click on the tab that says Numeracy Home Learning to see what challenges we have set for you!


Mrs Mulcahy, Miss Huckerby and Mrs Ackford

Thursday 7 March 2013

World book day fun!

3H having fun in their pyjamas! Can you remember the ways Roald Dahl told us to spot a witch in our World Book Day story 'The Witches'?

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Thank you to those children who showed me their electricity posters today!! Great home learning. Well done!!

Mrs Ackford.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Awe and Wonder

Our awe and wonder question for this term is "What is changing in the world around us?"

Can you think of any ideas?

Don't forget to write them on the board in the corridor as well!

Latest News!

3MA are now showing off their home learning in the classroom window! Can you spot yours?

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Year 3 Assembly

On Monday 28th January at 9am, Year 3 will be performing their class assembly in the main hall. It will last about 20 minutes.


We would love it if you could be there!

Year 3

Wednesday 16 January 2013

Congratulations 3H!

Just to say a big well done to 3H! When I looked on Mathletics this morning we were 19th in the UK and 33rd in the world! Amazing! Keep it up!